HTTP Error 403.14 – Forbidden The Web server is configured to not list the contents

While hosting the or MVC application on IIS, you might have faced this exception on browser
“HTTP Error 403.14 – Forbidden The Web server is configured to not list the contents”

To fix this issue, you might have to check the two possible setting in IIS

First: Make sure that the .NET Framework version value is v4.0.


For this you have to do like this

1. Open the Run dialog, type inetmgr and then click OK. This opens the IIS Manager.

2. In the left tree-view, locate the Sites node and find the Default Web Site node under it (or the name of the site where the error message appears).

3 Right-click the node and select Manage web site -> Advanced settings…. Note the name of the value Application pool. Close this dialog.

4. In the treeview to the left, locate and select the node Application pools.

5. In the list to the right, locate the Application pool with the same name as the one you noted in the web site settings. Right-click it and select Advanced settings

6. Make sure that the .NET Framework version value is v4.0. Click OK.

Second: is not registered on Server

For this you have to go to
>>Visual Studio
>> Then Visual Studio Tool >> Visual Studio Command Prompt

>> Then Go to the given path C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319
>> Then run the aspnet_regiis.exe -ir


How to host MVC application in IIS 7.0 ?


If we are working on mvc project and if we have to share the project with our team member for testing then we can host the application in local machine IIS, then we can share the running application URL to our team member.


For this task we can do like this

Step 1: Open IIS using Inetmgr from run window

Step 2: make ensure that IIS is working fine.

Step 3: Open the VS 2010/2012/2013 and create the MVC application and make ensure that application is bugs free.

Step 4: Open the Solution explore and Select the application like this below Image


Step 5:  then select the properties of application or press Alt +Enter

You will get the screen like this, then select the Web and Server as given below screen shoot



Step 6:  Click on “Create Virtual Directory”. It will create the virtual directory in IIS 7.0.

Step 7 :  Now go to the IIS 7.0 and Do like this image  as shown below


Step 8: Click on browse option as shown as above image . You will get output running on localhost  as given below image




Now you can share the above URL to your team member for testing.


I hope it will help to somebody who has not hosted the site in IIS 7.0


If you have any suggestion or good tips related with post then fell free to post the comment.